Monday, 28 March 2011

Official: Transylvania's good for your health

Just been to my nice doctor, and Transylvania is officially Good For You. Everything's heading in the right direction - blood pressure down, blood iron levels up, blood sugar down, HDL (good) cholesterol fine, LDL (bad) down. [NB This is despite a butter/cream/sour cream/cheese/etc rich diet] Cholesterol as a whole, brilliant. Well, 5.4 in fact, but that's only just outside the Smug bracket and despite the diet described above. Even my weight's down despite ditto. Freshly-squeezed raw milk has much to offer, as has the lack of microwaves from minimal numbers of telecoms gadgets, minimal car exhaust particles, minimal household chemicals, and maximal jollity provided by neighbours, human, furred and feathered. And maximal Hobbs.

Come and get some. It's on the WHO's mandatory prescriptions list instead of statins (or it should be).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Развелась с мужем уже полтора возраст назад. Но который предшествовало этому - тяжело вспоминать. Знаете, такое было чувство, сколько он наравне тот хозяин - режет собаке хвост не вмиг, а сообразно частям. А я всегда ждала его и ждала... что одумается и вернется. То ли это дружба, то ли.. сама себе удивляюсь уже.. Будто начать новую жизнь? [url=]качества идеального мужчины[/url]