Friday, 11 March 2011

A novel, two novellas and seven short stories

In the Welsh lurking time I wrote 300,000 words of crime fiction - one long novel and nine stories, two long enough to qualify as novellas. None of them saleable, but all fantastic training. Using a group of readers and fellow writers to review the fiction, I learned more about writing crime stories than I'd have done in a creative writing MA course. Made friends in the process, too. Huge thanks to all of them - you know who you are. Then I had to start the big redraft of the novel to make it commercially saleable, and that process continues... Much harder than the first draft, which I couldn't stop from pouring on to the screen.

1 comment:

Marie Pinschmidt said...

Love your website, your witty comments, and particularly your hat! The pictures are also lovely. You sound like my kind of gal. Just be yourself and continue to put pen to paper. Best wishes.